Oh Man Again Right Out of a Movie And Again Over Doint It I Mean 700 Ways
21.12.2006 -Exercise yous like me?-
Dr. Allison Cameron: "Do you? I need to know."
Dr. Gregory Business firm: "No."
What the heck?! What is this? That does information technology - this is the terminal episode of the House I'll ever watch! Yeah, I'll only watch Lost instead.. No, wait, I can't - the merely cute md in it is Jack, and he'due south non a woman. Bummer.
By the style, there'due south some room for estimation here - does Cameron mean 'similar' or 'love'? Hmm... And which one House chose to respond to?
Heh! Hmm, perhaps I overreacted, yeah yeah... But.. *sigh* What House said.. I mean, that'south like maxim MacGyver isn't cool anymore!
The Christmas is closing in and I think information technology's time to wish you all a merry and joyous yet peaceful, refreshing Christmas! And I promise yous have a great new year's day! :~)
Oh expect. At that place's no Christmas without the proper music! I'll share a secret, here.. Okay, listen up advisedly because I'm but saying this once.. If yous wish for a tranquility, peaceful night with big snow flakes gently hovering down on you windowsill, I urge you to take the time and wing over to Poland and purchase some Mozdzer Trio albums. Either 'The Time' or the newer 'Between United states of america And The Light' - they're both great, if not perfect. Why Poland, you enquire? Because that's the only identify you'll notice them, sad! :) Only if you lot want a happy one and don't shy abroad from some great humour, and then your choice is Gackt, singing in English! Ahh, here y'all go - December (Dearest Vocal):
http://world wide web.youtube.com/watch?v=4WOIZus2SzY
No no, I can't let you call back Gackt can't sing or perform.. Here's a bonus track - this will either chill your blood or explode your life... (a Finnish inside joke, nevermind) Here you get - Gackt Camui with Doomsday, performed live iii years ago:
http://world wide web.youtube.com/picket?v=rBz9DPmQD_E
xviii.12.2006 -Joink!-
Doc: This won't hurt a scrap, relax... JOINK!
Me: Phanks a lo'!
Well, what I didn't know was that it hurts this much after the functioning. Oh yes, I had two of my wisdom teeth pulled out just hours ago. What fun information technology is! As a matter of fact, it's so much fun that I'll definately do it again! To get the other ii wisdom teeth off of my oral cavity, that is... Oh, and if I sound a scrap delirious, well, that's just the pain drugs working. Not my error.
Oh, and I do accept some photograph links for yous, and don't yous concord your breath just nonetheless as you'll take lots of gasping to do when you run across the photos! This time I'd like to introduce a friendly chap named Antti, whom I know from the photography site Aukea.net. He'due south shot some spectacular photos from some of the most intriguing of scenics from Norway and Finland. Hither, take a look!http://personal.inet.fi/luonto/antti_partanen/index.html. And a second await!
Ohmygod! I just noticed I can't drink java in this state! Eww, and the claret is starting to taste pretty disgusting already...
Okay, now go take a 3rd look... What? Y'all already saw Antti's photos twice, is that what you're saying? Well, I don't hear your gasping simply nonetheless, then off you become, now! Oh, and I but remembered that Antti showed me a couple of photo sites that left me in awe (photograph sites = photosites, get it?? awww...). But I'k planning on sharing them as Christmas gifts, not earlier ;~)
PS: And you even so don't know why at that place'south a photograph of me grinning at a height 3 times the longest pinetrees? Well, it'due south a reminder of the times I nevertheless had my teeth on.. What, yous can't see the wisdom teeth from it?! Oh man, there'south only so much one can smile! And so many photos to choose from..
PPS: Don't say y'all don't understand why there's a photo of a car?! I'm supposed to be delirious, remember! And in this state it's my correct to show you silly pictures. And hey, anyway, you've got to love the colour? And the car! The 24-hour interval they release Country Rover Freelander II that drives on hydrogen fuel, it'll be my first auto. And no, it'southward non exactly legal to show you that epitome. =0)
10.12.2006 -That was so great, human being!-
Wikiwik-auu!! I but finished the last version of the brusk story! As you can see, information technology inverse its' proper noun, as well. Here yous go: How They Came to a Deliverance - Final Edition
While I said a few days ago that the original story sucked and deserved the bin treatment - well, it did. I finally saw what a mess it was, full of hidden clues that lead nowhere along with the embarrassing ending. Information technology was time to chop information technology to $.25 and trash all the bad ideas. Different names, different story, unlike theme. Or perhaps the word 'different' is a bit stiff, here, equally I think I had the ideas lying there but didn't employ or fifty-fifty see them. I hope it became a lot clearer, too.
I'll exit the first draft for amusement purposes for myself.. ;~)
PS: If you want to hear what kind of music would fit in with the mood in the story.. And so attempt getting your hands on the music played by the Leszek Mozdzer Trio! Faux Main's Hypothesis volition explain that heading, there. Songs similar Pub 700, Ex Ego and Asta volition teach you a lot more than. Trust me. Oh, that is so great, human being. Was that the best take - that was the best have. Oh **it, man.
vii.12.2006 -What beautiful is-
Beautiful is something that takes over me and makes me want to write down what it is. And the dazzler in it is that I don't know what to write. Or what it is. To launder away the fume puffs around this neverending train of thought of mine, I'll write some things down. Some things that I think are cute.
If you've ever stopped in the centre of a road or a busy corridor and looked stupid while trying your hardest visualizing something that you'd like to see... If y'all've ever heard a tune conjured upward by someone you know and admire that makes you stop and try to call back of all the things that yous think made you cease... If you take a photo and subsequently on contemplate information technology and wonder how did y'all ever have such a practiced photo... So you know something beautiful.
I know likewise! Merely hearing Timbaland shout out "WIKIWIKI" makes me feel good! Finding the D.U.C.Yard. in the first motion picture of a Don Rosa comic makes my centre warm! Remembering how Kaisa wheezes "EEEEEI!" makes my optics smile! Hearing the crowd go wild in the Nine Inch Nails vocal Right Where It Belongs makes me look downwardly and tranquillity. Thinking dorsum how Christmas felt when me and my blood brother were the size of fire extinguishers always makes me sigh in the volition to grab and enjoy at least some tiny parts, instants filled with childish amazement, of that same Christmas mood. And hearing how Camui Gackt tries to sing albeit a beautiful but style also syrupy, romantic song in English language makes me laugh like I never thought possible!
PS: The B&W shot through the window is mine but I don't know who shot that extraoridinarily Gackt-esque photograph of... erm... Gackt himself. I bet it'south under copyright, likewise, and I specifically leave it unsaid, because I'g a immature rebel! :~D
5.12.2006 -Man, that sucks!-
One time I was blind, but now I encounter... How awful tin can a short story be!? A horrific, to tell the truth. Ghastly. There's no other words to describe how I feel about that deplorable excuse of a story I wrote.
Subsequently hearing a couple of my friends' and my teacher, Patrick's, views on the first typhoon of "How They Came to a Surprise", I begin to come across how far out my ain stance was from the truth. I now run across that if a story is on the verge of starting to misfile and perplex the writer himself, in that location'southward no way any one of the readers would follow it. Perhaps I tried to stuff all the ideas that intrigued me into one single text, and a short one, at that. Lame.
Yous've no idea what kind of relief it was to me to hear that critique. Oh well, but that'due south the past! I've now got all of those weird twists in the plot and far fetched conceits out of my system. Damn, it feels good. There's but 1 way to go from hither - and that'due south upwardly! Or a bit higher, at least. Here, watch me, like this...
Let the cutting, chopping, composing and re-writing begin! :~)
2.12.2006 -On exams and music-
I can't seem to meet directly, for the moment, at least.. It'll pass in few days, I know, but the feeling still bugs me. I've been reading much too long at late hours, that'south all. But it doesn't matter every bit long as I laissez passer the exam of Metallurgical Processes, one of the most extensive courses I've attended. I've tried once, but didn't quite make it. Stroke of luck that might end up being, in the end, as I honestly think I've learned a lot while re-reading the whole 300 pages once more and once again.
Simply hey, this is large! Would you, past any hazard, remember the composer who goes by the proper noun Nöpö Iloinen that I mentioned some fourth dimension ago? Well, have I got news for you! Information technology'due south me! And if you don't believe me, then ask yourself if anyone else would voluntarily choose such a name.. Right'o, buddy!
This song has been around for over two years, now, and nigh of my friends have heard it past now. But now, as I'm on a good mood, I'll present it to you every bit an Advent gift! Silent Stars by Jan.. *ahem* .. Nöpö Iloinen! (Please, click the link with the 2nd mouse button and click on the "Relieve Target As..." if you lot want to download the vocal.)
PS: Does this entry look somewhat odd? Somehow lacking? Ohh.. Ehmm.. Wait, now I go information technology - there are no photos! Darn it.. I tried to find a photo of some silent stars, but information technology seems I have none. Maybe information technology's time to leave and practice something about it - it's not similar it'south cold out there! ;~)
27.eleven.2006 -Hogwarts in black & white-
Yes, I officially announce myself as a fan of the Harry Potter books! And the movies also! I've read the books twice in Finnish and now that we accept the whole fix in English language too, that'll exist my next mission.
The films dominion, too. I've watched the first one, The Sorcerer's Stone, hmm, allow me think - effectually vii or eight times? The 2nd, The Chamber of Secrets was quite weak, unfortunately. On the other hand, the tertiary and fourth were so skilful that I'm ready to forgive the producer of the series, Chris Columbus, for not giving up the director's seat already in the Bedchamber.
Now, I didn't come here just to chat nearly how keen Ms. Rowling's creation is, although information technology is. Very much and then. So much that if Harry Potter didn't be - and I mean the phenomenon, non the male child himself - the world would be a bit duller, unimaginative place, for many, myself included. And millions of young children wouldn't similar reading.
Okay, okay, I'll give you the reason, all correct! Well, I just couldn't resist the idea of visiting some of the scenes where the movies were shot when I visited London, a couple of months agone. Oxford lies just west of London, quite virtually, just three hours' trip on a bus. So, now I want to share a few of the shots that I took during our visit to the Christ'southward Church, which was - if not ane of the actual filming scenes, then at least the inspiration for the mode the Hogwarts with its' Great Hall and everything looks in the films. Take a closer wait!
PS: The semester is coming to it'south inevitable end. And this yr, that says to me that I've got more than exams waiting than I recollect I tin can manage. So if I'm not able to update the site as often every bit earlier, I'm deplorable. Simply that'south how life works, no? Even Karma himself (you know, the guy from "My Name Is Earl") knows that if y'all skip an test or two, you'll have to make up for it, some mean solar day. For at present, waiting for that day, I'm only trying to be a better person.
PPS: I remember that quote will stay there for a long fourth dimension! Which, by the way, will have cipher to exercise with me existence lazy! No, no. I'1000 not.. I'g just such a big fan of the Firm ;~)
23.11.2006 -The First Draft-
Woohoo! ... Ermm. I shall kindly elaborate. Okay, and then are in that location anyone who remembers why I created this site in the commencement place and for what reason? Dashed... For those who don't I tin tell it was this English course that I attended in this semester chosen Artistic Writing. This weblog has been my course journal, so to speak. The class has no concluding exams but instead we have to write our own short story. And approximate what? Yoosh, I just wrote mine!
It's not actually set even so, equally we only had to check in the showtime typhoon, the raw and ugly version of the nevertheless unknown final text. And subsequently that we would in due time have a long conversation with our teacher, Mr. Nesbitt, virtually what's right and what's incorrect and what could be done if information technology turns out to be rubbish. I oasis't had that conversation yet but I think showing you the outset typhoon as an unedited, raw and completely original copy would be overnice? So that if you lot're interested enough, y'all can decide just how adept or bad it is when I wrote it and compare information technology to the "polished" version - when the fourth dimension comes, naturally.
Here you go: How They Came to a Surprise - The Starting time Draft written by Janne Mankila
I can give away a few words about the story.. I remember the setting of the story and the "reality" effectually it stem from my love for fantasy novels, such every bit The Hobbit, Jääsilmä (written only in Finnish, to my noesis) and to a certain caste The Lord of the Rings. As it has to be said that there are loads of horrible and abrasive cliches flying around in that genre, I specifically wanted to avoid (at to the lowest degree the worst of) them. Beyond that, I call up I'll permit you lot do the piece of work! As well, I've tried, to the best of my abilities, pick upwards some of my earlier photos to illustrate the landscape.
Go on, read it! It's not that long.. ;~)
19.11.2006 -Within a Deep Forest-
What a corny heading I've got there! 'Wonder what it ways.. Oh well, equally much as it sounds like the name of a Nöpö Iloinen vocal (I wonder who that is!) it's not. What information technology is, then, is one of the most intriguing little games I've always come across! The music lonely is a perfect reason to download information technology. It'due south completely free, did I mention that already?
I think one of the most revealing stories virtually the addictive features of this game is the one where my roommate went and introduced this game at his faculty's guild room (nosotros have them in affluence in our school). I call up hearing that there was a guy with a laptop who first tried it - and few moments later on at that place was this ample gathering formed around him. And the only affair you'd hear was the constant boink-boink of the ball - our hero.. Practise yourself a favor and at least visit the official site here: http://withinadeepforest.ni2.se/
PS: If you want to hear more about the composer Nöpö Iloinen.. Then.. I'one thousand afraid you'll just have to wait. Who he is and what kind of music he plays? You lot'll never know. Until I tell you, that is.
17.11.2006 -Look at that!-
Well, I'll exist damned! No, I've done zip wrong, aught similar that.. I'm just so surprised to find an old friend having had a keen interest in photography for so long and me not knowing about it, that's all. Ville, a friend back from my time at upper secondary school, has indeed been busy with his website! Endless bird and nature photos you lot'll find hither forth with detailed stories of his photograph and other trips. Dainty chap, he is, and a fine photographer. And then be certain to visit: http://world wide web.student.oulu.fi/~villesuo/
Whoa!! Okay, and then I thought he had squeamish bird photos until I saw his other piece of work.. They're quite ... neat. Just be sure to go to the "Luontokuviagalleria"! Just noticed it's non too easy to "steal" his photos for examples, dang.. Clever chap! Here'south two examples, nevertheless.
And now's the time for other news! The D40 is now official and a easily-on preview is already published on the Dpreview site. Quite a dainty to hear the viewfinder is somewhat bigger than in D70/D50. Non much, merely still. The new cheapo-flash seems interesting, too. Here's the article: http://world wide web.dpreview.com/articles/nikond40/
PS: Ville'southward non the merely one to visit Norway! I've been there, too, and I have a photograph I'd like to share with you. Look advisedly - tin you find the same location at ane of the photos in Ville'south Norway gallery?
Believe it or not, this photo was taken at effectually ii pm. I'd driven all the way from Oulu (that's xi hours), and even at that bespeak the trip was not over - what fun!
12.11.2006 -"Hey, 'remember it'southward well-nigh set"-
What is? The mile-long legend about three young men destined to conquer the legendary valley of Korouoma, of form!
Hither you get: Our Journey to Korouoma
Iii men - the legendary Olli, the heroic and tireless Ossi and the trusty sidekick Janne (that's me), offering the non-intentional comic relief and making certain we would have at least some kind of coverage of what truly happened. 'Promise you lot enjoy it! And if it lights a spark in you to open up your eyes and run across what it is in our nature that gives united states so much, please, allow me know.
11.eleven.2006 -House sweet House-
Today, it occured to me that I don't have a chance.. I accept to write about House! Aye, it aired in Thursday and now it's Saturday already, just it so happens that I taped information technology. What? Did you call up merely i viewing would exist enough? No, no, silly yous..
The other thing that occured to me when I watched the show with my blood brother - who loves the series, if possible, fifty-fifty more than I practice - that I actually wish I was bright enough to get to med school. Think about it, when you lot you'd have superiors as ingenious, well-brash, wise and downright witty as Greg Firm and beautiful co-workers, like Cameron for instance - I presume that comes with being a doctor, no?
And why exactly is information technology that I think the grass is light-green on the clinic? From what I've heard, it's quite the contrary! Dashed.. I approximate yous can't trust the Television, nowadays. I'm not even certain if the work of an archaeologist is truly how the Indiana Jones movies depict. Oh well, perhaps I actually do love studying rubber, ergonomics and man resource at the academy, after all.
PS: Yes, what a lazy portrait that is. I mean the photo.. But at least I'yard non breaking any laws here - it'southward probably more than 97,five% legal to prove yous that. I even checked! So much for my paradigm equally a young insubordinate! One day, and this I promise, I'll infringe the copyrights.. ;~)
PPS: I think I'chiliad dreaming or something, but I idea I saw a three digit number on the visitor counter. Am I? What, two weeks have passed since I put it on? Wow! I was expecting somewhere betwixt ten and fifty visits during this fourth dimension, and I remember thinking that one visitor per day is enough for me to continue creating this site. Again, as I said before, wow! "Yous tin can say that again!" Wow!!
Thanks guys and girls, friends and acquaintances, just for being here. *flash*
8.xi.2006 -2 geniuses-
Okay, I realised in that location are really people who are not fans of photography.. Previously I'd dismissed the thought as a myth or some such.. Anyway, delight answer me this - if you can honestly say that you don't understand photography or that you lot don't like it or some other silly allegation, then practise you like nature? Wildlife? The reality bear witness that, in fact, *is* real? If the answer to all of those would exist 'no', and so you're a write-off.. Just kidding. But really, I know the cure!
The name of the photographer Alex Bernasconi brings back warm memories - from a time non long ago, though. To put it mildly, he is infrequent - quite extraoridinary, indeed. And I don't simply mean this as a personal fanboy gibberish, but seriously, I recollect his photos can change the world - for some, for many. He just came dorsum from a long shoot at Alaska, where he photographed mainly Grizzly bears, their life, their reality. Now he has fabricated his showtime official website. And I really don't think any of yous are going to be anything less than flabbergasted of his work.
Visit http://www.alexbernasconi.com if you lot want the full experience - yet, a give-and-take of warning: information technology didn't piece of work on my reckoner, the other solar day. I asked him and he said he was having problem keeping the server working under the massive traffic at his new site :) For a lighter version, you can visit his site at PBase: http://www.pbase.com/alex_beb/root.
PS: The other genius I promised is, of class, none other than the aformentioned Alfred Hitchcock! I just finished watching The Birds, and the sometimes quite weird animation tricks still it is a magnificient film. I'll accept to get i of those Hitchcock DVD-collections... More pic 'reviews' to come, so stay tuned!
PPS: Had I mentioned of a third genius, it would've been Phil Collins, or rather, the whole band, Genesis! They're coming to Republic of finland next year, and I'm happy! And I'm a bit sorry at the same time.. 230 euros is but too much for a ticket. I know that's the pre-order toll but it's still ghastly! I hateful, this might be the last run a risk.. no, it will be the last chance to see them, my favourite ring of all time. Oh, the songs like Home By The Sea, Trick of the Tail, The Human being In the Corner, Behind the Lines... Well, information technology'due south only money...
Flying seagulls, probably the same every bit in the picture show.. Both of the photos above are mine, not Mr. Bernasconi's, but you probably guessed it already - and aye, they're both real :)
5.11.2006 -Wow! Actual news!-
I promised to offering you news on photography in that text above - and now yous shall have them! Although this isn't actually more than an educated rumour, I can hope yous that Nikon is planning on releasing a new digital single lens reflex camera (i.e. digijärkkäri, in Finnish). It will be called D40 and information technology will exist situated below the D50, which has until now been the bottom of the range of Nikon DSLR's. The attached comparison image made by Victor Gan (a frequent company at Dpreview.com - thank you for the permission!) will show y'all how it looks next to the D80. For the sake of reason, I won't tell you that the photographic camera volition probably take a 6 megapixel sensor, because... Allow's face up it, it doesn't thing! Y'all'll get the benefit of make clean images in depression light rather than resolution, which is quite adequate fifty-fifty for a 75x50cm print, anyway.
Call back, I'1000 simply forwarding this info from sources that I detect trustworthy - while this model has been rumoured for long and the leak seems like a deliberate effort to create hype (cipher new to Nikon), the specs and photos might also be completely false. I don't know :) Just I trust them. Note that Victor made a slight mistake aligning and resizing the photos. Wait at the LCD on the D40 - while they're fabricated out of exactly the same parts, the screen looks bigger than in the D80. That only ways the D40 is actually a tiny bit smaller than shown here. It's not quite as wide as the D80.
Okay, now where was I... Oh, the viewfinder seems awfully similar to the one plant in D50 and D70(s), which means that you will struggle, merely eventually live with it. The size of the body will exist similar to Canons depression-end 400D, which means that you will struggle, just somewhen live with it. In tiny easily information technology might be quite usable, though, I can't say. The initial price will probably be very low. I'll tell yous one thing: if it's not under 400 euros, I'll deem the D40 totally pointless, as yous can find a D50 body for as little as 450 euros! Plus, or rather minus, the D40 won't have the screwdriver organisation to drive the focus on those non-AF-S lenses. Bye good day, cheap Nikkor AF-D 50mm f/1.8 and such!
Now, did y'all sympathise a word of what I only said? Neither would've I had I not been into photography and Nikon gear and then keenly for such a long time (two years is quite a curt period, really)... But in instance y'all're interested, visit Dpreview.com, right now! The Nikon D50/D70/D80 forum is buzzing equally we speak.
PS: Some musical sidenotes, then!Kiuas has released a new LP, chosen "Reformation". An interesting mix of theatrical heavy metal and charismatic Finnish phonation, by Ilja Jalkanen. I like this ring.. Aforementioned goes with this album. Unfortunately, there are no instant hits such as the earlier songs "Spirit of Ukko" and "Across the Snows", both of which are the rare samples of Finnish heavy metal that I'one thousand actually proud of. Simply heed to the latter while reading "Jääsilmä" and you'll experience snow flurries racing down your spinal cord. Shameless advertising and 100% non-turn a profit! :~)
"The Spirit of UKK" - A photo simply for illustrational purposes. I shot that on the trek to UKK. I promise it is in the spirit of Ukko, also.
2.11.2006 -Photos! Lots of them!-
Some of you might know the fact that I have a sure bond to a place called Hailuoto.. An island lying nigh Oulu, it is. I've photographed a lot at that place and hopefully I'll never have to stop.
I have a cousin, Mikko, who knows every corner of the place and haven't left many of those undocumented. He's a hard-working photography hobbyist and has probably shot more than photos of Hailuoto than I ever could in my whole lifetime! Mikko has now opened his new web site, a photo gallery where yous'll find images from Hailuoto and other places as well, people, nature, and everything else I forgot to mention - and yous tin find it hither: http://koti.mbnet.fi/mikkovil/index.html. Those three shots shown hither are, naturally, Mikko's property - and they're only thumbnails, the full size versions of which you lot'll find at his gallery.
PS: Wow! I just saw Vertigo, the Alfred Hitchcock movie, you know.. I've always liked to sentry movies in smaller bits, which is to say perhaps some twenty minutes at a fourth dimension. Just to make the fun last longer - and you tin can nicely pour a loving cup of coffee down the throat in that time, besides. Well.. It just didn't work this time around. I started watching it and I gauge I forgot that I was tired to brainstorm with, because the movie grabbed me past the shoulders and never let go! I mean, this happens once in a lif.. well, perhaps twice in a lifetime. Too tired to go on... Got to go zome zzzzzleeeppp...
xxx.x.2006 -If Monday brings yous down-
Aww, it's Monday, again. Lot's of work to do.. Homework, other chores.. Boring! And I won't accept that. The only matter we demand is a bit of J-Popular! Come again? Quite simply, it'southward Japanese pop music, and it'south the best matter that's happened in the world of music since the two Davids - Bowie and Hasselhoff. C'mon, follow me into the depths of YouTube:
The get-go i may be familiar, as I've more or less forced all of my friends to listen to information technology before. If yous know the name of Home Fabricated Kazoku, you know good music! You'll feel like it's Friday already!
The 2nd is a vocal from Takacha.. So, the singer isn't the greatest performer, but at least he'll make united states of america all feel proficient - he's too sympathetic for anything else. Warning - mind to these songs and you'll never desire to hear the run-of-the-mill R&B, hip hop, pop or any other music for that matter! Klip klop, klip klop, the horse is J-POP!
28.10.2006 -Whadda Tempest!-
Woohoo, again! I guess the wintertime'due south here for good! Yesterday we, at Oulu, Finland, enjoyed a whole day of constant gale-forcefulness winds, snowfall and extremely sluggish traffic. Having spent near of the 24-hour interval outside, I tin can only tell it wasn't a weather for us humans! Neither it was a suitable weather condition to bulldoze a car... On a master road with the speed limit of 100 kph we were moving at closer to 40 kph. I thought I could have some photos with my prison cell phone camera and show you lot just how did it look - please enjoy!
This detail shot hither was shot in front of the movie theater, where I went with a friend to see the Jade Warrior. Heh, and you would do well to ignore all the negative reviews written by some ancient totem poles who recall it's forbidden for a movie to take a fair corporeality of fantasy and imagination. Ignore too all the hard core wuxia fans, considering they won't meet the moving picture beyond the Kung-Fu. So yes, I liked information technology, a lot, actually!
So when I got back home from the movies, I only had to take a few photos of the terminal breaths of the tempest. The wind had relented and the snowfall was now diminishing. The post boxes had a lovely snow topping. And equally I write this down at midday, it still looks like a nice winter day. Yoshh!
26.x.2006 -A Slight Hitch-
Pitiful guys, this might sound a fleck awkward.. Merely I had to come with an alibi - and I needed it badly! And then I thought I might too employ this space to express exactly how much I honor and appreciate Alfred Hitchcock for making his movies, all of them. I've only seen the Rear Window ('Takaikkuna') simply I already know he's a genius! I mean, Jimmy Stewart.. And Grace Kelly.. Okay, and if you lot don't know what I'm talking about, consult Wikipedia immediately: http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takaikkuna. So what'southward the alibi? Well, it's actually the film that I haven't seen merely would love to - The Birds.
A calendar month ago, or so, I travelled to London with Kaisa to meet her friends and... to photograph in the filming locations for Harry Potter movies - starting to get disruptive? And so nosotros were strolling around the Christ Church Higher in Oxford when I saw this wonderful, eerie inner courtyard. Quite surprisingly, even without seeing the whole film - and I mean The Birds, of course - the scene reminded of that movie. And then I saw the bird! Taking off! Wow, I mean, that was weird behaviour for a bird, correct? Nevermind, simply see the photo! Hmm.. Now, why did I need an excuse to bear witness you lot a photo? :)
PS: I added a visitor counter to the bottom of the page, just for fun. The Quondam News -section works now, too!
22.10.2006 -Withal another update!-
Simply as I thought I couldn't practise any more snowfall photography today, I remembered my trusty tripod! Here are 2 new photos, likewise fresh from the oven. I used a technique resembling the look that the old (or should I say the new and hip) Lomo cameras are famous for. So if they're soft, don't blame me! These were all taken around 19.00 o'clock this evening.
22.10.2006 -At 17.40 o'clock-
The snowfall is continuing just the evening gets dark fairly fast around this time of year, so I couldn't delay getting those photos anymore. Off I went outside and probably gave the neighbors a good laugh as I knelt and bent all over the place to shoot anything that had snowfall on information technology. Making someone laugh meant that today'south good deed - check! Brr..
It was cold besides, so I guess now information technology'due south fine for me to go get myself a hot cup of java and enjoy a overnice episode of Jeeves & Wooster... Yep, that'll do the trick! And by the way, those photos are very big.. Also, they're fresh from the oven so watch out for your fingers!
I'll definately go along an eye out for further developement to keep me busy for the remainder of the Sun :)
22.10.2006 -Outset snow!-
Woohoo! We got ourselves the start snowfall! I couldn't be happier, honestly. If there'due south one thing I hate about Oulu, it has to be the dark autumn fourth dimension when the copse are bare and look similar they all got some nasty flu making them look all downward and miserable. Non anymore! I'll post you one the first photos I took, but it'south falling down all the time so hopefully I'll take a new gear up of photos of this winter wonderland past the end of the solar day.
That's the view at 16.ten, By now, that particular leaf is already covered in snow. So I think the next time we'll see him is in, say, five or 6 months? (and no, I won't accept the fact that this snow will near probably melt during the next week - I'll but proceed my eyes closed and mind open)
21.ten.2006 -Heard of Don Rosa?-
You know, the balding Yankee who's stolen our hearts? With his comics, I mean. Well, it was quite a shock to realise that among my friends nearly all of the Finns know him, simply those living in the States don't! He's the legendary Scrooge McDuck cartoonist, Keno Don Rosa, of form! And so now you lot know him, nifty. Now, rush to the nearest volume shop and get yourself at least one copy of his piece of work - or all of them, if you similar reading the best comic books always!
I planned to tell you lot something about the human, but so I came across his pages in Wikipedia.. There's fiddling else to say, so off yous go:
nineteen.x.2006 -Vuoden Luontokuva 2006-
Nah, I couldn't exist bothered to translate it. :) Oh well, the winner of the nature photo of the year 2006 has been chosen! The winners in all of the categories can exist viewed hither: http://www.luontokuva.org/default.asp?V_DOC_ID=2946 . The overall prize went to Esa Mälkönen, with "Lumisade". Actually, I'm quite pleased with the results! When the viii finalists were declared, it was this photo forth with the Petri Jauhiainen's "Jääkanerva" that were my personal favourites. Yippee! So this means I've got what it takes to differentiate a great photo from a so-and so 1?
17.10.2006 -Like Surprise Water ice-
If you enquire me what beauty is, I'll sing you one song - Surprise Ice. Well, not exactly sing, simply at to the lowest degree play information technology... And y'all'd get the sense of the frightful Ice Queen, y'all know, the one from the Moomins. You're looking at her and listening to her whispering. And y'all see she sings it with her middle in her sleeve. In a style yous don't quite empathise her, nothing of it. Mind-chilled, petrified and yet warmth in your heart. A cute vocal. Thank you, Kings of Convenience.
15.10.2006 -Burning down the House-
There is a flaw in our world. It's serious. A TV-series, to be exact. Actually, ii of them. Funny enough, they're the best things that have happened to my thursday afternoons. Ane is Lost and the other one is Firm. Woot! The problem is that they're being shown at the aforementioned time! Non so woot...
I like House. I'm commencement to similar everything that says Hugh Laurie in it. Anyway, an actor who can convincingly come up out with < <Jeeves, I'm certain that nix is further from your listen, simply, you know, you have a way of saying "indeed, Sir", which gives the impression it's but a feudal sense of what is fitting which prevents you from substituting the words "says you".>> in quite a fast pace earns my respect. Indeed he does, Sir.
PS: *Sigh* Yous can imagine the two of us, me and my blood brother, with noses glued to the screen trying to write down the whole sentence by ear!
14.10.2006 -Birthdays and blabber-
Happy birthday, Olli! Now yous're as old as I am - welcome to the guild :) And cheers for the best game of chess I've had in a long fourth dimension! Knocking down that Male monarch of Glenfiddich felt not bad, even though the game was a tie.
Let's blabber a flake! One might ask why I insist on writing all this in a foreign language. And if some witty person thinks it'southward daft to do that, allow me say one matter: yes, then?! As I said, a certain English course was the igniting spark for me to kickoff this photography/web log-site thingie. I also like English as a language and I'd like to keep my skills in a fair shape - at the University it'south not ofttimes we go to go to classes anymore, which means we have to do something nearly it ourselves.
One other of import reason is that I'm a frequent visitor on an English photography spider web forum and if someone wanted to bank check out my photos, it'd be polite not to reject them with a weird language. And to my Finnish friends I tin can say that if you lot've hard time reading this, information technology's either because of the small font or your English is getting really rusty. Time to dig out your monocles and laptop grammars!
- 12.x.2006 -First remark-
If you're pondering equally to why I phone call my photographs 'photogråphs', let me ease your hurting. Y'all must know who Richard Dean Anderson is. No? Well, he's my childhood hero for playing MacGyver. Just of course! And everybody knows MacGyver. If you're well-informed, y'all already know that Stargate is his most recent TV-series. But there is a catch. If you look closely at how the proper name is written, at that place indeed is an 'angstrom o'. Stargåte! I'thou just honoring the human being who made the difference... Far fetched? No, not even close.
xi.10.2006 -Opening ceremony-
This site was inspired by an english grade that I'm attending this year - Creative Writing. I found myself cramming my grade journal with everything unneeded and although the teacher - who actually has the rare power to create an enthusiastic temper among us - likes all the scribbles to no stop, I had to come up up with a meliorate way of expressing my views and other brain farts.
So thank you lot, Patrick and thank you, the dozen of us who participated in the course and thus made information technology possible to savor the classes. One or two pupils less and the language center would've pulled the plugs... Phew!
And wow! I just love Google... I mean, how easy can making your own pages become? Even I tin can manage okay! Even the layout is and so cool I don't think anyone cares to read what I say here... Cheers, you two unbelievably rich and fortunate nerds for making this possible! :)
PS: I'm also happy to shout out HAPPY Altogether to a very special person, Kaisa!! Wish I was in Poland, likewise...
Source: https://sites.google.com/site/jannemankila/oldendays-entries2006
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